Monday, September 28, 2015

                                   Way to Be
                                         9 ways to be Happy and Make something of your life

Gordon B. Hinckley 
1. Be Grateful
"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." Epictetus

This New Way has a lot of power and meaning, someone might have everything they have ever desired but if gratitude isn't showed then all those things they've acquired are meaningless. In this world is the person who has gratitude towards every little thing they have, no matter how valuable, how big or small, who is going to live happy and enjoy life to the fullest. A poor man can be seen in the streets, but that man can have the biggest smile in the world because he has learned to appreciate the one thing that has no comparison, which is life and being able to wake up once again.

2. Be Smart
"Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things." -Byron Dorgan

A great quote and attribute have a lot of meaning and power within. To be smart does not only mean to have good grades in school, it means something else in life. In order to live a smart life you need to be able to take the right decisions, not the choices that will make you have all the things you desire, but the choices that will make you have a pure soul and a clean mind. The quote i chose means that working really hard is not all, someone might work hard for hours but doing the same thing, in contrast if you work smart you will complete more with out taking so much of a beating.

3. Be involved in good works
"Don't worry about being a star, worry about doing good work, and all that will come to you".- icecube 

In an everyday base many tasks are required to be completed, they might be tasks of hours or something as short as 5 minutes, but it depends how it is completed. If everything is done with a positive and respectful mind it will be good work. The quote has a lot of meaning because  

4. Be clean

This is a quote with a lot of deep meaning, also the word it self has a huge meaning, to be clean does not only refer to taking a shower, brushing your teeth, or even having a clean room. The things i just mentioned above are indeed important but being clean may also mean to have nothing to worry about and enjoying life. There are problems every where around us, but it is up to us how we choose to see them, either we solve them in such a manner that it is clean, and we do not have to worry about the problem coming back. Being clean also mean that there is no thought of you using drugs, getting a tattoo, going to parties, being in the wrong relationship, drinking and many other things. The quote i chose proves my point that being clean does not only have to be physically, some times getting away from people and going in to nature can help because it cleans your soul, mind and spirit. 

5. Be true 
" I am not bound to win, but i am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but i am bound to live by the light that i have. I must stand with anyone that stands right, and i stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." -Abraham Lincoln

In life there are going to be many challenges, they might come in the most unexpected time but that is how it is going to be determined who is being true and who is not. As the quote mentions " I am not bound to win, but i am bound to be true," lets everyone get a feeling of deep thoughts in which it is comprehended that victory wont truly be achieved until your mind set is competently pure and only truth is bound to be spoken and acted. It is someones own decision weather they are willing to complete a task with honesty and do it 100%. 

6.Be positive 
"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact".

One day there will be a person you look at and wonder, how can he have such an amazing life? The answer to that question wont be in any book, because he will tell you that the answer to having an amazing life is to be positive every single day of your life. Being positive does not only implement that a smile will be given every once in a while, being positive means being able to wake up and be happy for everything you have, The moment a step is placed outside your house is the moment the whole world should be able to see your immense smile. Many do not realize that a smile can improve the day of someone else, a smile can even save a life. To be more positive i am planning on doing everything with honesty, and try my best, because once i see the results ill be glad i tried my best because the result will be positive. A positive attitude, mind, and spirit can create great opportunities and open many doors for someone.

7. Be Humble 
"Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head." -A. R. Rahman 

Humble, a simple word that can really change your future. From my own experience i have learned that many battles can be won but after some time, fame will rise to your head and procrastination, ignorance, and lack of determination are going to appear. Being humble can be really easy at a normal day routine, but once a change occurs and that change brings fortune or something you always have desired it is going to be hard to be humble. After every football game that came out in a lost, my coach would say, "Humble in victory and gracious in defeat," this is a good way of using the word humble because once you start winning you start loosing track of the fundamentals, at the time it might seem that it is just little things such as getting late to practice, going slower at times, not having positive thoughts, but once game day comes all those little mistakes that were made just for having all the fame covering your face will show and it might even cost you the game. That is why being humble is a great attribute because once you learn to master it, you will be able to do anything you wish and get good results, not once or twice but as many times as it is possible. 

8. Be Still
 " But i have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me" -Psalm 131;2

Being still, many might think of not moving when they hear this word but there is a lot more meaning behind this. I believe this

9. Be Prayerful 

Reflection: Through out the past weeks we have been learning about 9 ways to be happy and make something of your life. This 9 ways include, Be grateful, Be smart, Be involved in good works, Be clean, Be true, Be positive, Be humble, Be still, and Be prayerful. This nine ways of being are the key to a promising future, but it will take a lot of determination, and a positive mind set to achieve all of this things. Every day you will encounter a situation in which one of this nine ways of being will be required, either if it is only by helping a neighbor, doing your chores, lifting up a piece of trash from the ground, or even smiling. This attributes wont only change your life but it will influence people around you to be someone better.


Thursday, September 24, 2015


The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity.

 "We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence." 
―Cornel West

This quote explains that in order to make something function as it should, commitment is required. Commitment is the ability to dedicate yourself to what you truly love or to a goal that has been set. In any sport its the most committed person that will be noticed, the physical qualities of that person might be the worst but with a lot of commitment and dedication anything can be accomplish.This attribute is useful even on the most common situations, if things keep on getting done with commitment they will maintain the same quality.  

Monday, September 21, 2015

       Personal development quote
 "The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have".
                                     Being able to accomplish a task with out complaining.

This quote already beholds an attribute within, and that attribute is obedience. The following quote and attribute are really important because it lets us know that in order to find freedom you need to obey, it might require you to do as someone else say or even obeying your own thoughts. Many times if you are obedient to the teachings of an older person you will find freedom because they will guide you with their experience. It is up to you if you want to do as they have told you, but as a result a road of misery and bad surprised you will encounter.    

Thursday, September 17, 2015

                                A smile 
Form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners 

of the mouth turned.

"Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that's beautiful".
                                                                             Rashida jones

  This attribute and quote are simply priceless, first of all a smile is a way to show that there is someone that cares inside of you, a smile could make any moment of tragedy better. Every time a person enters a new place, and the first thing they see is smiles everywhere, it will automatically raise up their self-esteem. Many people see the exterior beauty in people when they should be looking at the smile and feelings they carry within.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

Trough out history the greatest warriors have been able to succeed in battle because they are determined to fight until the end, and they wont give up. In any sport it is not the fastest, or strongest person that will win, it is the person who is willing to give up their free time and dedicate them selves to what they want to achieve. This can only be accomplished by being persistent and doing your best even if everyone is against or do not believe it can be accomplished. In life there are moments when failure will strike more than once or even twice but you have to be persistent enough to keep getting up and trying again until success appears. Someone that is persistent can easily be recognized because they are the people that accomplish the tasks that others do not dare to face.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

                   "Decisions Determine Destiny" 
First of all this quote has a lot of wisdom within for the reason that it teaches me that the key to have a good destiny is to take the right decision. Someone might have all the money they want, and live in a big house but if they do not take the right decisions everything can disappear in the blink of an eye. The attribute i chose is thoughtfulness because in order to make right decisions, it is required to think correctly and process the decision that it is about to be taken. At times it is fine to take a decision with out thinking of what might happen because risks are part of life, but many times a decision might have more of a risk than what it is suspected, no one is allowed to shape your destiny. It someones own person the only person who has the power to change the destiny. 

This quote relates to my 100+ goals because by accomplishing them i will be able to take the right decisions and shape my destiny in to the right path.       

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Displaying kindness and concern for others.

Promising too much can be as cruel as caring too little.
This attribute and quote teach a great life lesson because it allows us to see that caring is an action that can change people in many different ways, as being happy and always having a smile in their faces. I  chose the quote due to the meaning it has, this quote lets me see that not caring is as making many promises, which leads to procrastination and not being able to complete everything that was promised, by not caring people will see you as a mean and not trust worthy person.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

courageous and fearful, not hesitating when danger or a risky situation appears in front of you. 

 “It is better to beg forgiveness, than ask permission.” 
― Grace Murray Hopper

Being bold is an attribute of great importance because it will open doors in your future, being bold means being able to face fear and go for the unknown with out hesitating. The quote is an example because its better to act according to what you believe and after beg for forgiveness rather than being afraid of doing anything because you don't want to hurt anyone.